Alaska Writers Guild  - Supporting Alaska's Writers
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Welcome to the Interior Chapter of 

the Alaska Writers Guild

If you are a writer in Interior Alaska you are in good company. We have a wealth of writing talent in our area so let the Guild connect you to writers, poets, publishers, editors, and reviewers.

  • Attend one of our free monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month. Meetings include guest speakers or interactive activities that celebrate and teach writing.
  • Join the Interior Writers Workshop. We meet the fourth Sunday of each month for face-to-face critique of up to ten pages of your writing. 

Be part of this dynamic and supportive community!

For more information email


This month, we're teaming up with Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival to bring you a special Literary Craft Reading. Six local authors will read short selections then talk about the craft and inspiration that went into them. Some may read a rough draft, followed by the finished one, others, the same scene from different viewpoints. They'll all share their inspirations and challenges for each passage. If you've ever wondered what goes into crafting poetry and stories, this is your opportunity to learn.

Interior Chapter Workshop

Fourth Sunday of each month at 1 pm

Meet us for an online writers workshop. Send your submissions of no more than ten double spaced pages to for distribution. 


Alaska Writers Guild

PO Box 670014

Chugiak, AK 99567

    © Alaska Writers Guild   Members Only

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